Tuesday, July 24, 2012

God is good, all the time.

If you just stumbled onto my blog, and happen to be reading all of my posts at once, I apologize. You’ve probably already noticed my bad grammar, and you’ll find a reoccurring theme throughout all of my posts. Thankfulness. It’s such a simple concept, but interlaid with profound truth.

Let me catch you up on my past few weeks and I’ll flesh out this chapter of ‘a thankful heart’. A few weeks ago Sean and I finally moved out of my parents’ house. The day after he came home from training, we went and signed a lease for our first apartment, but apartments aren’t genies and we had to wait 3 weeks until we could move in. We started collecting furniture and getting prepared for the big move. Then the day finally came. Sean’s twin brother and his girlfriend were in town during the move and with their help, my sister and her husband and all the other hands on deck we got moved in. Longest day of my life. For real. Just one thing was missing, our mattress. Sean was planning on picking up our mattress on move in day, but called for directions to the warehouse and Mattress firm told us to not worry about it, they would deliver it! Talk about thankfulness – in 100+ degree heat you are THANKFUL for not having to carry a mattress up apartment stairs. We waited, and waited, and waited. Come 8:30 when I was as cranky as the wicked witch of the west, and the mattress store was about to close – Sean called and they informed us our mattress would not be at our apartment that evening.
Let’s pause there for a second. I KNOW that this blog is a tiny snapshot of my life, and if this is all you know about me, I seem like the saint of thankfulness. I’m not. In fact at this particular moment of my life I was sitting at the sink washing dishes ready to poke a fork in the eye of the man who told me I was going to have to sleep on the floor that night, but the story does continue.
Sean has an uncanny ability to get whatever he wants. AKA Extreme favor.  Sometimes this is super annoying; however, when you’re his wife and you get to benefit from the favor over his life, it’s kind of awesome. By the time he hangs up the phone with the mattress man, he had secured us a free upgrade to any mattress in the store. Um what?! Yea, even over the phone his charm and good looks make people putty before him. ;-)  Needless to say, we slept on the floor for two nights and on the third night we have this mattress we could have never afforded in our bedroom.
So what does this have to do with thankfulness? Everything. Every night I get in my bed and silently pray, ‘Lord thank you for this mattress.’ Because I know what it’s like to sleep on the floor. See beyond the simple metaphor in this story.
I’m sure you know what it’s like to sleep on the floor. You know what it’s like to be so exhausted and at the end of your rope, and you just have to keep holding on, to God, and His promises. I’m 100% positive that at some point in your life you have experienced a period of being faithful during the ‘in betweens’. Can I tell you something? Your mattress is coming, and it’s more than you could have ever paid for on your own. Amen?!  
One day, you will be walking around in the fulfillment of God’s promises in your life and you will lay your head down every night thanking Him for it all, thanking Him that you don’t have to sleep on the floor anymore.

Lord, make me faithful during my ‘in betweens’ Help me to honor you with the little I have now, so that you can trust me with much. Help me to not complain through the process of your sanctification. I know that you love me, and will complete the good work that you started in me, help me to not hinder that growth. Make me good soil. May every breath I breathe, in the sunshine and the rain, glorify you.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I am all He says I am

Are you gullible? Do you believe lies easily? Often times we wouldn’t categorize ourselves as gullible. We are well adjusted and informed individuals. But, how gullible are you when it comes to lies about yourself? Satan is one tricky jerk and gets us to believe all sorts of lies.

He is the father of lies.
I believe that our susceptibility to all of satan’s lies is an epidemic. We don’t know who we are. This is something that I struggle with, and have since I was a young girl. In your formative years you are desperately seeking out to define ‘who you are’. What kind of person you will be. So often we get answers from all of the wrong places. Media, friends, bullies, older siblings, even parents. Don’t misunderstand me, a parent instilling a healthy self-worth in their children is VASTLY important, but if that’s where you get your identity, I’m sorry to burst your bubble sister, its wrong. The ONLY place we are to form our identities from is the lips of our heavenly father.
This is hard, at least for me, because the sheer volume of voices screaming out the wrong answers drowns out the soft whispers of my heavenly father. In my head, I’ve heard all of the truth, and read all of the truth, but why are the lies easier to believe than the truth? Because my mind is full of crap. There it is, the long and short of it folks. Every day, all day, our minds are filled with all sorts of stuff, work stuff, facebook stuff, school stuff, pinterest stuff, boyfriend stuff, girl-friend stuff…DANG! It’s a wonder anything else fits in there!!! It does though, lies find their way into your mind and take root like the weeds that they are. So, what do you do?
Get out your gloves girl, you’re going to have to do some heavy gardening. If I take this metaphor farther, think of it this way. God is the gardener, you are the soil. But you aren’t really soil are you? You’re a person, who ALWAYS has a choice with the Lord. You can let Him in and ask Him to weed eat the junk out of your mind, or you can refuse His help.  The way that the Lord renews your mind is by filling it up with the truth – His word. You’ve got to put enough truth in there so you will stop believing all of the lies.
This is a journey I’ve been going on for a while. As a little girl, I believed the lies satan put into my head. I believed I was ugly, fat, and not good enough. Those creepy little critters still hang around the attic of my mind, and typically pop out when I least expect it. Like when I’m buying my Husband shorts and start to feel insecure because of the size of His pants in comparison to mine. (bad day right there, I feel sorry for all of the Target patrons.) Or when I have a bad day, act like a brat, and wonder why would anyone marry me in the first place?!
They are all lies. Because here’s the deal: I AM ALL HE SAYS I AM. If you don’t know that Cody Carnes song, go YouTube it, then buy it, because that stuff is the TRUTH! I am the daughter of THE King. I am powerful, I am worthy of love, and I am beautifully and wonderfully made.
So yea, I’ll never be Kate Beckinsale, but I’m awesome, because I’m all that He says I am.