All of the time, I’m reminded of what a broken world we live
in. All of the time. Sean and I have made it a point to watch the news during
the week, so we’re not uneducated out of touch young’ins. It’s hard sometimes,
to hear about it all – to have a daily reminder “Hey you’re still here on earth
– you’re government is still run by a bunch of humans” We’re still broken.
I don’t understand people who feel as if they don’t need
God. I’m desperate for him. In the wake of a difficult presidential election,
the crumbling health care, an unstable economy, and two mass shootings – I’m on
my knees. It’s where we all should be. I don’t care how you feel about guns,
gun laws, or public schools. That is not the battlefield we are called to fight
For we are not fighting
against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the
unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil
spirits in the heavenly places.Eph. 6:12
What are you fighting for? Where are you fighting? Are you
on your knees? Are you warring with words of prayer – or fear? Are you a symbol
of peace amongst the chaos of this life? Peace is not having a loaded gun under
your bed, having enough money in the bank to retire tomorrow, or having
everyone you love alive. Peace is Jesus Christ. Peace is knowing your fate is
sealed – that nothing in this world can harm you. We can hurt, even Jesus
cried, but did He wallow? Did he allow death to overcome him? No, and thank
goodness He didn’t. Death didn’t stop Jesus – and I refuse to allow it to stop
me. Death has no hold on me; I pray that it has no hold on you.
With everything going on right now we as Christians have an
incredible opportunity to shine so brightly in the darkest hour, because we
have the answer! We know the Prince of Peace – whose peace passes all
understanding. We can show people why we are able to have peace during this
Please take up this charge – don’t allow emotion, fear, or
grief to stifle your witness. Be sad, but in your grief point others to peace.
Point them to Jesus – because only His hands heal broken hearts. He is the
answer, every time. Amen.