Sunday, May 27, 2012

"That's the way the day should start."

I've heard it said that laughter cures a multitude of ills. I believe this to be true, however I also believe that the joy this laughter stems from is birthed inside of a thankful heart. Laughter is short lived, but thankfulness endures. 

I've come upon this realization through the only way anyone can come across profound truths, difficult times. My life, compared to most, has been easy. I grew up with both parents in a place known to the locals as 'the bubble'. Instead of white picket fences, my town manufactures white lexus'. Even with all of my protective bubble wrapping, life still found its way into the fairy tale. In my short few years on this earth the Lord has walked me through several valleys. It's during these times that the Lord seems to continually bring me back to one simple truth: Thankfulness is the root of Joy. 

Thankfulness is like an instant attitude adjustment; it forces you to change the direction of your gaze. Instead of narrowing in on the circumstances that you're unhappy with you adjust your eyes and become thankful to the giver of all life. This is not always an easy task. Depending on the depth of your valley, thankfulness may seem like a distant relative twice removed; the thing that happy people do in their spare time. It is so much more - thankfulness is the root of joy. 

The Bible tells us that the Joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). While walking through difficult seasons in my life, I am constantly seeking this joy in order to have the strength required to go on. In my pursuit of Joy I continually find that if I am able to get to a place where thanksgiving is possible then shortly after joy begins to flow.  It is in the soil of our thanksgiving and praises to God that joy grows. This is true joy, the kind that defies explanation that puts wind back in your sails and makes the world ok again. The joy of the Lord. 

In my life, the concept of thankfulness is a constant struggle. Being able to hold on to this truth regardless of what I'm dealing with. In fact, because of recent circumstances (which I will go into further detail later) my husband and I decided to put a 'thankfulness board' in a prominent location so we could be reminded daily of our many blessings we have to be thankful of. I’ve learned that thankfulness is a daily decision I must make, a countenance of my heart. I most certainly do not have this concept mastered, but it is the daily cry of my heart.

 Lord, may I be a thankful daughter all the days of my life. In the sunshine and in the rain may my heart cry out to you in praise. For you are worthy. Amen. 


  1. I love that you started this blog. It will be a blessing to look back on this year and see all the works God has done. And I can keep up with you!! Love you!

  2. I'm so glad I clicked on your link and went over here tonight. Definitely something I needed to hear and take to heart. God used your words to speak to me, thanks Lauren :)

  3. Thanks Lana, I was just thinking that the joy of the Lord is a thankful heart! I googled this to see if it was a passage and discovered your musings. Here is a short poem that came to mind today: "Thy wonder I do see. In stillness of the eve. Thy eye doth rest on me. I look and trust in Thee, Oh Lamb of Calvary!"

