I’d like to start this post off with a disclaimer. In the
following lines you will find: 1. Bad grammar. 2. Southern Slang 3. Lots of
sass. If all of that is just fine by you, then tread on, my friends.
It’s been a week since Sean got home and we've settled in
quite nicely. We have settled into a routine with work, errands, and laundry.
This may sound completely boring to you, but to me, it’s all of the little
things I thought I wouldn’t get to do with Sean for a year. Those little things
matter. We're also in the process of planning our wedding reception. Since we
planned our wedding in a week, we were unable to invite everyone that we would
have liked. So now we're scrambling around (again) trying to find a venue for
our original wedding date, to have a reception in.
The second Sean got home; I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
It was as if the weight of the world was immediately off my shoulders. I didn't
have to figure out insurance by myself, or try to sell his car, or miss him so
much I thought my heart would stop beating. It was over. I made it through the
pressure cooker.
In my brief period post pressure cooker, I've noticed
something. I seem brattier outside the cooker. *GASP* Seriously?! Am I that
awful? Did I honestly forget EVERYTHING I've learned in the past month and go
back to being silly little Lauren again?? Dang it. I'll admit it, in the past
week, I've had my moments. You see, living at home, working at home, being
married, and trying to plan a reception just does not always equal a recipe for
a good attitude.
I've come to discover that my attitude needs a daily
adjustment. It becomes too easy to be discontent with my circumstances, or
frustrated with planning the reception. I have to take a step back and
remember, "Hey girl, you just got yourself a bonafide miracle, get over
it!" and then I typically do.
I can just hear your internal dialog now, "Well yeah,
sheesh. If I had gotten a miracle I'd tell myself that too. But you have no
idea what I am dealing with right now. I’m still in the middle of my mess."
You're right. I don't know exactly what you’re dealing with, but the Lord does.
I feel like I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Your perspective
changes EVERYTHING. Are you grateful that you have a heavenly father who loves
you and died for you, or are you sitting on Facebook comparing your life to
hers? Are you rejoicing with those girls who are getting engaged and married,
or are you disappointed and jealous that it’s not you?
A little too close to home right there? Good, because that's
exactly where the Lord hit me this week. I could just feel Him saying to me,
are you still going to choose me, even when everything's ok? What a question.
Is God my life vest, or the air I breathe? Is He my everything, every day, or
my insurance policy? I refuse to allow what I've learned slip away. I refuse to
allow my dependence to switch from totally on God to myself. Nope, not gonna
happen! I don't want to have to learn that lesson again, thank you!
I'm putting that up on the thankfulness board. That the Lord
teaches me, and by His grace alone, I learn the lesson, because let’s face it,
without Him I wouldn’t learn a darn thing.
What is the Lord teaching you? Is it the same lesson over
and over again? Or are you learning, and moving on to bigger sometimes harder
Be encouraged. You can pass the test, because it's not by
your own strength, but by His.
Love you guys, like Sean loves sweet tea. :-D
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