All of the time, I’m reminded of what a broken world we live
in. All of the time. Sean and I have made it a point to watch the news during
the week, so we’re not uneducated out of touch young’ins. It’s hard sometimes,
to hear about it all – to have a daily reminder “Hey you’re still here on earth
– you’re government is still run by a bunch of humans” We’re still broken.
I don’t understand people who feel as if they don’t need
God. I’m desperate for him. In the wake of a difficult presidential election,
the crumbling health care, an unstable economy, and two mass shootings – I’m on
my knees. It’s where we all should be. I don’t care how you feel about guns,
gun laws, or public schools. That is not the battlefield we are called to fight
For we are not fighting
against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the
unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil
spirits in the heavenly places.Eph. 6:12
What are you fighting for? Where are you fighting? Are you
on your knees? Are you warring with words of prayer – or fear? Are you a symbol
of peace amongst the chaos of this life? Peace is not having a loaded gun under
your bed, having enough money in the bank to retire tomorrow, or having
everyone you love alive. Peace is Jesus Christ. Peace is knowing your fate is
sealed – that nothing in this world can harm you. We can hurt, even Jesus
cried, but did He wallow? Did he allow death to overcome him? No, and thank
goodness He didn’t. Death didn’t stop Jesus – and I refuse to allow it to stop
me. Death has no hold on me; I pray that it has no hold on you.
With everything going on right now we as Christians have an
incredible opportunity to shine so brightly in the darkest hour, because we
have the answer! We know the Prince of Peace – whose peace passes all
understanding. We can show people why we are able to have peace during this
Please take up this charge – don’t allow emotion, fear, or
grief to stifle your witness. Be sad, but in your grief point others to peace.
Point them to Jesus – because only His hands heal broken hearts. He is the
answer, every time. Amen.
Excuse the old, somewhat cheesy 90s worship song. Sometimes relevance is highly overrated. Truth is always relevant.
This week has been a beast. Not in our marriage per-say but
in EVERY OTHER AREA OF LIFE. Seriously. A part of me feels like we’ve been
bunkered down waiting out our own emotional Hurricane. I’m sure you know the
feeling, of just wanting it all to stop so you can be left to nurse your
wounds. That’s how I’ve felt all week/all month. I’m weary of it all, and would like to press the pause button and eat some cookie dough in my jammies
thank you very much!
However, on Tuesday Sean and I made it to Seven, the young
adults service at church, and the holy spirit bought up something
Pastor Steven said to my mind this morning – while I was crying mind you. Pastor Steven was
talking about how often in prayer meetings or other such events people will say
things like ‘let’s stir ourselves’. I’ve never heard that phrase before but he
went on to explain that it’s a normal and Biblical practice, of simply
reminding yourself of what the Lord has already done in your life. You see,
when you remind yourself of where you’ve been and how God has been faithful
to bring you out of those things, you can’t help but look at your current cirsumstances and say ‘We will get through this too’. I’ve always been a huge
fan of doing this. I try to do a small version of that each day in my quiet
time, to simply remind myself – hey you’re blessed.
Today though, I wanted to sit with my thoughts and write out
a list, a list of all that the Lord has done in my life. In no way will this be
an exhaustive list, but I know that whatever I put down here will help me, and
maybe it will help you. It’s November and if you haven’t already seen the mass
of ‘month of thankfulness’ posts on Facebook – I encourage you to take it a
step further. Make your own list. Take some time out of your day and write down
all the things you can think of that the Lord has already brought you through.
It will bless you, I’m sure of it.
So here goes, my ‘Through Hell and Back’ list:
1. The whole ‘Sean leaving for Afghanistan situation’. I was
angry, distraught, and let down by the prospect of Sean leaving for Afghanistan.
But God was faithful to me, even when I was SO unfaithful.
2. Never once have I, or someone in my family gone hungry.
Financially this year has been hard on all of us, but never once have we not
had enough. He has always provided.
3. He has never left me or forsaken me. Even when I did the
best I could to leave Him.
4. The Lord has healed my heart of so many wounds – I still
need more healing and more work, but He will continue the good work He began in
5. My hearts greatest desire was to be married. I’m married,
to the most wonderful man I could have imagined.
6. He’s forgiven me. Time and Time again.
7. He loves me, even when I don’t love myself.
8. Nothing can harm me. Truly harm me, because my eternity
is sealed.
9. He has spoken such clear words to me in the past. The
Lord told me Sean wouldn’t have to go overseas – and he didn’t. He will speak
to me again – and does.
10. He has physically healed close personal friends of mine –
He will heal my body.
11. He gave my friends babies, when they thought they couldn’t
have them.
12. He comforted me when I was alone.
13. He gave me friends, so I wouldn’t have to be alone.
14. He gave me a roommate when I didn’t have one and needed
15. He gave me a job when I asked.
16. He gave me a wedding photographer – TWICE.
17. He’s taken care of my Dad’s business - and will continue
to do so.
He is so faithful, and so good. I hope you can see the
evident hand of God in your life, because I promise you it’s there. We are His
treasured possession, and He loves us so much more than we know.
Thank you Lord, for all the things you’ve done in my life,
mentioned and not. I KNOW that you are good. Thank you for carrying me when I’m
weak. Thank you for being tender and gentle with me. Help me to know that you
are near, that you haven’t forgotten me. Help me to trust you with my whole
life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
In these months after getting married, and settling into an ‘adult
routine’ (I say that because I mostly work, go to church, and eat food) I have
found myself looking for the next exciting thing, something that is ahead of me
that I can work towards, or be excited about. The biggest thing Sean and I have
been discussing recently is buying a house. We love our tiny apartment, but
each time I write (or watch Sean write) that rent check I find myself wishing
that it were going towards something – towards ownership of something rather
than just paying for temporary use. In this quest for the ‘next big thing’ I
find myself on the internet a LOT, probably too much. I’m on pinterest,
googling houses in the areas we’re interested in, or looking on Facebook at
other friends’ homes, blah blah blah, but this morning as I starting looking
through another friend’s wedding photos on Facebook I felt the Lord speak
something soft to me. I had a thought, “I wonder if her wedding turned out as
well as she had it pinned on pinterest”. BOOM. I stopped, another thought came
to mind, “How often are you disappointed with your circumstances because of
what you’ve seen on pinterest or facebook?”
Oh, hey God, why you gotta be all up in my business reading
my mail like that?!
Seriously though, it’s true. I find myself continually
comparing my life – with her’s. The preverbial HER. She has the perfect house,
bakes like a pro, works out 7 days a week, always looks put together, loves the
Lord, cooks like Paula, and always has all the laundry done. Obviously this
woman does not exist, and if she does, I bet she has a cleaning lady and a
million dollars. However, even though I KNOW in my brain that this is not the
truth, that NO ONE lives like this, I find myself chasing my own version of
perfection. Everywhere I go I think, “Ugh, she’s SO pretty and always has cute
clothes, I need to go shopping” or “Her house is so pretty, I wish we could
move soon”, or “She’s working in her dream job, I wish I even knew what my
dream job was”.Do you see all off
that?! That NASTY discontentment in my heart?
It’s sad, I know, and you probably never struggle with stuff
like this. So feel free to stop reading, go pay your cleaning lady and count
your millions.
Here I am, blessed FAR beyond what I deserve, and I’m
grumbling wishing it were different. I sound just like the Israelites in the
desert. They had just gotten delivered from Egypt, from slavery and oppression and
what did they do? Whine to God about their circumstances.
Exodus 16:3 “If only the Lord had killed us back in Egypt,”
they moaned. “There we sat around pots filled with meat and ate all the bread
we wanted. But now you have brought us into this wilderness to starve us all to
As Sean was praying last night before we went to bed, he
thanked the Lord that we were trying to figure out what to do/where to go for
Thanksgiving, instead of talking on the phone missing each other. Earlier this
year, I had to walk through an “Egypt” in my life, and now that I’m on the
other side, I’m complaining about not having enough meat.
Why do I do this? Is this just a part of my human sin nature
that I have to deal with? Probably, and I think it’s a part that grips each and
every one of us. It’s fed by our consumer driven society that always urges us
to buy more, spend more, you NEED this. But here’s the thing, do I really? Do I
really NEED a house? Do I really NEED new fall clothes? No. What I need, is
more of Jesus, and less of me.
So, what do I do? Delete my Facebook and pinterest account?
I could, but I think it’s more of a heart issue than an internet problem. Plus
I think Sean would miss all the tasty treats I find on there to make. (We
really like food at my house, in case you couldn’t tell)
Lord, would you help
me to not compare my life to hers. Would you help me to not build up unhealthy
expectations about life and how its ‘supposed’ to be. Help me to walk with you,
instead of running ahead of you. Teach me to rejoice with those who are
rejoicing, instead of being jealous of them. Make that ugly green monster
inside of me go away. Help me to continually be thankful for all of the
wonderful things that you have given me. Help me to guard my mind when I’m on
pinterest, or facebook. Lord, thank you. Thank you for all of your good gifts.
Thank you for the roof over my head, the food in my fridge, and the clothes in
my closet. Thank you that we have more than enough. Thank you for being patient
with me, even though I struggle with the same thing over and over again. I love
you. Amen.
“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
Growing up is strange, as is getting older. When you’re a
little kid – you can’t imagine ever being 16 and being able to drive, then that
milestone passes and you can’t wait to graduate high school, another milestone
and you keep checking them off one by one. Graduating college, getting a job,
getting married, having kids…
The biggest milestone I’ve sailed right past in my life thus
far is getting married. Being a girl that was raised on Disney films I have
been, not so patiently, waiting for my prince charming for as long as I can
remember. I kissed my fair share of toads that didn’t turn out to be my prince,
and then the Lord brought me Sean. Granted, our story didn’t pan out exactly as
I had it planned in my head, but that’s life, right?!
See, I got married, and now I don’t know what to do with
myself. Silly isn’t it? But the desire of my heart for so long was to get
married – and now it has happened. I think that I really always thought that once
I got married – I’d have it all figured out. My life would be exactly as I’d
want it. I would have ‘arrived’. Well I don’t know where my preverbal trains
stop was – but I do not feel as if I’ve reached it.
After settling into the routine of life after marriage I’ve
found myself thinking, ‘Is this it??!’ Maybe I put too much expectation on what
marriage would bring me – or maybe I foolishly thought that at some point you
officially became a grown up and had it all together and walked out the rest of
your life fulfilling the destiny God breathed in you – and after marriage was
that time. Whatever I was believing – it left me feeling empty. Annoyed with
how my life was going. Don’t get me wrong – there aren’t any major life issues
I’m dealing with – just an overwhelming sense of discontentment.
So, I went to church on Sunday as usual, and as soon as
worship starts, what happens? I start crying. My tender little heart that is
aching for substance, for purpose, for meaning, finds it. At the feet of my
savior. Instantly I felt the Lord say to me, “Lauren, you’ve been looking in
all the wrong places for fulfillment. Work, friends, Sean. These things do not
bring you fulfillment – I do. I am the giver of all life.”
I figured something out right then – if I do nothing of
value or worth for the rest of my life, except sit at the feet of my savior – I
will have lived a fulfilling life.
Crazy isn’t it. God didn’t give me some huge directive to
accomplish, or mandate a task, He simply told me to sit.
Philippians 3:7-8
“I once thought these things were valuable – but now I
consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes everything else is
worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my
Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage
so that I could gain Christ.”
Ecclesiastes 12:7 &13-14
For the dust will return to the earth and the spirit will
return to God who gave it. Everything is meaningless says the teacher,
completely meaningless…
That’s the
whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands,
for this is everyone’s duty. God will judge us for everything we do, including
every secret thing, whether good or bad.
Lord, help me to sit at your feet, for the rest of my life.
Help me to not find my worth and value in anything but you. I am yours - THAT
is who I am. Your daughter, beloved, bride, precious jewel. May my life be incense
rising up to heaven. May I live for you, and not myself. Help me to not get
caught up in what the world tells me I should be, and help me to be content in
being yours. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for never giving up on me.
Thank you for dealing with me tenderly. I love you, with all of my heart.
I’ve heard enough about chick-fil-a to last me a lifetime.
And you know what?!! This girl has an opinion.
I have NO idea what Jesus would have done if he lived in
modern times and Chick Fil A existed. My GUESS is that he would have been at a
homeless shelter, or in someone’s house teaching, not eating waffle fries (I don’t
think they are kosher?). Does that mean you’re a bad person for supporting the restaurant
that makes me feel like fast food is slightly acceptable? Nope. Does it mean
that you are a better person because you didn’t go to Chick Fil A and you’re
learning to make your own chicken nuggets at home out of protest? Nope.
Let me tell it to you straight.
1. We are ALL
2. Our political views will NOT get us to heaven. 3. My God is LOVE, not hate. 4. Love does NOT mean compromising the truth.
If Jesus walked on this earth today where would he stand on
Gay marriage, or abortion, taxes, or a myriad of other political topics that
Christians and non-Christians alike get hyped up over? I have an idea – but I
THINK (opinion only folks, I’m not God) that He would emphasize that its people’s
hearts He is after, not their votes. When Jesus did walk on the earth, He did
not seek to overthrow governments, much to the Jew’s dismay. He walked, loved,
prayed, taught, healed, died, and rose again.
So here’s the thing, no matter what side of the fence you
fall on, if you profess to be a follower of Christ I think we should remember a
few things. God loves people, and hates sin. Our human minds can’t process that
because we think that if someone does something we don’t like, we don’t like
them. WRONG. You don’t like their actions, not WHO THEY ARE. You can dislike what people do AND who they
are – but that’s a horse of a different color. It’s much like loving a child –
when they throw fits and tantrums and drive you up a wall, you don’t just stop
loving them because their behavior doesn’t please you at the time.
Aren’t you glad God is a really good dad? And He doesn’t stop
loving you each time you mess up? He is a God full of grace, mercy, and love.
THAT is something worth emulating. We are called to LOVE those who are
difficult to love. That means, people who don’t share your political views,
religious views, moral standing, who are
rude to you, talk bad about you, take advantage of you, steal from you…
Matthew 5:38-48
38“You have heard that
it was said, ‘AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.’ 39“But I say to you,
do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn
the other to him also. 40“If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let
him have your coat also. 41“Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.
42“Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to
borrow from you.
43“You have heard that
it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.’ 44“But I say
to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you
may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on
the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46“For
if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax
collectors do the same? 47“If you greet only your brothers, what more are you
doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48“Therefore you
are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
I’m NOT perfect. And I struggle
with actually loving people who are hard to love. But THAT’S my goal. Love
everyone, all the time, no matter what. Loving them does not mean I have to be ok with
their actions, it means looking past the action to see the person, in need of
love, grace and mercy.
Lord, please help me
to do this in my life. You know how hard it is for me to do this, and how my
little heart gets hurt by people. Help me to forgive them, and love them. Help me
to love others like you do so that I can be your hands and feet. Help me to not
love people out of selfish gain, but to love unconditionally. Teach me to live
like you did, loving, forgiving, healing, teaching, walking, and dying for you.
Forgive me for not loving people better. Forgive me for my failures. Thank you
for saving me. Thank you for loving me all the time. Amen.
If you just stumbled onto my blog, and happen to be reading
all of my posts at once, I apologize. You’ve probably already noticed my bad
grammar, and you’ll find a reoccurring theme throughout all of my posts.
Thankfulness. It’s such a simple concept, but interlaid with profound truth.
Let me catch you up on my past few weeks and I’ll flesh out
this chapter of ‘a thankful heart’. A few weeks ago Sean and I finally moved out of my parents’ house.
The day after he came home from training, we went and signed a lease for our
first apartment, but apartments aren’t genies and we had to wait 3 weeks until
we could move in. We started collecting furniture and getting prepared for the
big move. Then the day finally came. Sean’s twin brother and his girlfriend
were in town during the move and with their help, my sister and her husband and
all the other hands on deck we got moved in. Longest day of my life. For real.
Just one thing was missing, our mattress. Sean was planning on picking up our
mattress on move in day, but called for directions to the warehouse and
Mattress firm told us to not worry about it, they would deliver it! Talk about
thankfulness – in 100+ degree heat you are THANKFUL for not having to carry a mattress
up apartment stairs. We waited, and waited, and waited. Come 8:30 when I was as
cranky as the wicked witch of the west, and the mattress store was about to
close – Sean called and they informed us our mattress would not be at our
apartment that evening.
Let’s pause there for a second. I KNOW that this blog is a
tiny snapshot of my life, and if this is all you know about me, I seem like the
saint of thankfulness. I’m not. In fact at this particular moment of my life I
was sitting at the sink washing dishes ready to poke a fork in the eye of the man who
told me I was going to have to sleep on the floor that night, but the story
does continue.
Sean has an uncanny ability to get whatever he wants. AKA Extreme
favor. Sometimes this is super annoying;
however, when you’re his wife and you get to benefit from the favor over his
life, it’s kind of awesome. By the time he hangs up the phone with the mattress
man, he had secured us a free upgrade to any mattress in the store. Um what?!
Yea, even over the phone his charm and good looks make people putty before him.
;-)Needless to say, we slept on the floor
for two nights and on the third night we have this mattress we could have never
afforded in our bedroom.
So what does this have to do with thankfulness? Everything.
Every night I get in my bed and silently pray, ‘Lord thank you for this
mattress.’ Because I know what it’s like to sleep on the floor. See beyond the
simple metaphor in this story.
I’m sure you know what it’s like to sleep on the floor. You
know what it’s like to be so exhausted and at the end of your rope, and you just
have to keep holding on, to God, and His promises. I’m 100% positive that at
some point in your life you have experienced a period of being faithful during
the ‘in betweens’. Can I tell you something? Your mattress is coming, and it’s
more than you could have ever paid for on your own. Amen?!
One day, you will be walking around in the fulfillment of
God’s promises in your life and you will lay your head down every night
thanking Him for it all, thanking Him that you don’t have to sleep on the floor
Lord, make me faithful during my ‘in betweens’ Help me to
honor you with the little I have now, so that you can trust me with much. Help
me to not complain through the process of your sanctification. I know that you
love me, and will complete the good work that you started in me, help me to not
hinder that growth. Make me good soil. May every breath I breathe, in the
sunshine andthe rain, glorify you.
Are you gullible? Do you believe lies easily? Often times we
wouldn’t categorize ourselves as gullible. We are well adjusted and informed
individuals. But, how gullible are you when it comes to lies about yourself?
Satan is one tricky jerk and gets us to believe all sorts of lies.
He is the father of lies.
I believe that our susceptibility to all of satan’s lies is
an epidemic. We don’t know who we are. This is something that I struggle with,
and have since I was a young girl. In your formative years you are desperately seeking
out to define ‘who you are’. What kind of person you will be. So often we get
answers from all of the wrong places. Media, friends, bullies, older siblings,
even parents. Don’t misunderstand me, a parent instilling a healthy self-worth
in their children is VASTLY important, but if that’s where you get your
identity, I’m sorry to burst your bubble sister, its wrong. The ONLY place we
are to form our identities from is the lips of our heavenly father.
This is hard, at least for me, because the sheer volume of
voices screaming out the wrong answers drowns out the soft whispers of my
heavenly father. In my head, I’ve heard all of the truth, and read all of the
truth, but why are the lies easier to believe than the truth? Because my mind
is full of crap. There it is, the long and short of it folks. Every day, all
day, our minds are filled with all sorts of stuff, work stuff, facebook stuff, school
stuff, pinterest stuff, boyfriend stuff, girl-friend stuff…DANG! It’s a wonder
anything else fits in there!!! It does though, lies find their way into your
mind and take root like the weeds that they are. So, what do you do?
Get out your gloves girl, you’re going to have to do some
heavy gardening. If I take this metaphor farther, think of it this way. God is
the gardener, you are the soil. But you aren’t really soil are you? You’re a
person, who ALWAYS has a choice with the Lord. You can let Him in and ask Him to
weed eat the junk out of your mind, or you can refuse His help. The way that the Lord renews your mind is by
filling it up with the truth – His word. You’ve got to put enough truth in
there so you will stop believing all of the lies.
This is a journey I’ve been going on for a while. As a
little girl, I believed the lies satan put into my head. I believed I was ugly,
fat, and not good enough. Those creepy little critters still hang around the
attic of my mind, and typically pop out when I least expect it. Like when I’m
buying my Husband shorts and start to feel insecure because of the size of His
pants in comparison to mine. (bad day right there, I feel sorry for all of the
Target patrons.) Or when I have a bad day, act like a brat, and wonder why
would anyone marry me in the first place?!
They are all lies. Because here’s the deal: I AM ALL HE SAYS
I AM. If you don’t know that Cody Carnes song, go YouTube it, then buy it,
because that stuff is the TRUTH! I am the daughter of THE King. I am powerful, I
am worthy of love, and I am beautifully and
wonderfully made.
So yea, I’ll never be Kate Beckinsale, but I’m awesome,
because I’m all that He says I am.
I’d like to start this post off with a disclaimer. In the
following lines you will find: 1. Bad grammar. 2. Southern Slang 3. Lots of
sass. If all of that is just fine by you, then tread on, my friends.
It’s been a week since Sean got home and we've settled in
quite nicely. We have settled into a routine with work, errands, and laundry.
This may sound completely boring to you, but to me, it’s all of the little
things I thought I wouldn’t get to do with Sean for a year. Those little things
matter. We're also in the process of planning our wedding reception. Since we
planned our wedding in a week, we were unable to invite everyone that we would
have liked. So now we're scrambling around (again) trying to find a venue for
our original wedding date, to have a reception in.
The second Sean got home; I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
It was as if the weight of the world was immediately off my shoulders. I didn't
have to figure out insurance by myself, or try to sell his car, or miss him so
much I thought my heart would stop beating. It was over. I made it through the
pressure cooker.
In my brief period post pressure cooker, I've noticed
something. I seem brattier outside the cooker. *GASP* Seriously?! Am I that
awful? Did I honestly forget EVERYTHING I've learned in the past month and go
back to being silly little Lauren again?? Dang it. I'll admit it, in the past
week, I've had my moments. You see, living at home, working at home, being
married, and trying to plan a reception just does not always equal a recipe for
a good attitude.
I've come to discover that my attitude needs a daily
adjustment. It becomes too easy to be discontent with my circumstances, or
frustrated with planning the reception. I have to take a step back and
remember, "Hey girl, you just got yourself a bonafide miracle, get over
it!" and then I typically do.
I can just hear your internal dialog now, "Well yeah,
sheesh. If I had gotten a miracle I'd tell myself that too. But you have no
idea what I am dealing with right now. I’m still in the middle of my mess."
You're right. I don't know exactly what you’re dealing with, but the Lord does.
I feel like I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Your perspective
changes EVERYTHING. Are you grateful that you have a heavenly father who loves
you and died for you, or are you sitting on Facebook comparing your life to
hers? Are you rejoicing with those girls who are getting engaged and married,
or are you disappointed and jealous that it’s not you?
A little too close to home right there? Good, because that's
exactly where the Lord hit me this week. I could just feel Him saying to me,
are you still going to choose me, even when everything's ok? What a question.
Is God my life vest, or the air I breathe? Is He my everything, every day, or
my insurance policy? I refuse to allow what I've learned slip away. I refuse to
allow my dependence to switch from totally on God to myself. Nope, not gonna
happen! I don't want to have to learn that lesson again, thank you!
I'm putting that up on the thankfulness board. That the Lord
teaches me, and by His grace alone, I learn the lesson, because let’s face it,
without Him I wouldn’t learn a darn thing.
What is the Lord teaching you? Is it the same lesson over
and over again? Or are you learning, and moving on to bigger sometimes harder
Be encouraged. You can pass the test, because it's not by
your own strength, but by His.
First off let me say, I'm sorry this has taken so long. Its
been busy around here, you'll understand here soon.
I have GIANT news that can only be credited to God's
faithfulness and grace to His kids. Sean is home, for good.
About a week ago
Sean called me and told me that his commander had spoken to him and said that
since Sean's end time of service date wasn't longer than 90 days away from the
end of the deployment he had to make a decision, extend his contract for another year, or
not extend and see if they would send him still or not. Sean called me immediately after this conversation to talk with me about it. I told him that I didnt want him to resign. Let them send him still and he could come home early, but resigning for another year wasnt an option I was ok with. Sean agreed and we hung up the phone.
Let me pause to explain the small miracle happening just in that
circumstance. Last fall we got news that Sean would be getting deployed the
following July, except if he wanted to go he would have to extend for another
year. Sound familiar? Well, Sean being the loyal, up to the challenge man that
he is did exactly that. He signed a contract for another year so that he wouldn't leave his guys in the
lurch. A few months later, that whole deployment got canceled and everything he
signed was null and void. Do you see where I'm going with this? If God had
allowed the army to recognize or process that Sean's ETS date is when it is
before he left for training and given him the option to resign then, I think he
would have. He wouldn't have been in the middle of it, sick of eating MRE's,
and sick of missing his wife. (I’m taking literary liberty here, but I think it’s
fairly accurate.)
Back to the story: Sean went back to his commander the next
morning and told him that he wasn't going to resign. His commander took this
news and went higher up the food chain to figure out what they were going to do
with Sean. They were either going to release him, or still send him but he
would come home early. This was HUGE. Either of these options was better than
when we started, I was jumping out of my skin all day Thursday.
Thursday night Sean called me like he usually does after
training and dinner are over. He said to me, "Baby I'm so excited about
coming home...for good." Tricky little man, slipping such huge news into
normal conversation like that. I started crying immediately. I couldn't believe
it. He was coming home, for good. I didn't have to dread my birthday, or Christmas
any more. He would be there.
I got on my knees with Sean and the phone and cried out to
the Lord in thankfulness. This had nothing to do with me, it was totally God,
and He chose to pour out His grace, mercy, and love on us in such a tangible
I've always struggled with the
reality of "God really loves me". I know how much of a mess I am, and
how many times I've royally missed the mark. Coming to a place where I can feel
God's love deep down in my soul has been difficult for me. It's something I've
been working on for quite a while. In my head I know the truth, but in my heart
part of me always felt like I didn't deserve it, I wasn’t good enough.
I think the Lord wanted to put that lie to rest. If I ever
think, does God really love me? I have this. He brought my husband home. He
loves me so much, that He spared me from something I honestly did not want to
walk through. He gave me grace, even when I had all but given up hoping that Sean
could be spared.
I know that there are layers to this lesson I'm learning.
All that has gone down in the past week will take me months to work out in my
heart. But this I know for sure, God is good, and He loves me.
He loves you too. You might still be walking through your
dark valley, or maybe you’re on the mountain top, but he loves you the same.
The Bible says that God IS love. It also says that He cannot change. So, no
matter what you're walking through, or how you've messed up God is still love,
and He still loves you.
I hope this story has breathed some hope into your lungs.
God is so much bigger than we often give Him credit for. He can do anything.
Don't give up hope. Keep running this race, and I’ll see you at the finish line.
So here’s the deal. Sean comes home for his first four day
leave in about 5 days. I’m so excited I can’t stand it! My type-A personality
has gone into overdrive and I’ve planned, cleaned, and organized until my
little hearts content. The past month has been a tough one. I think the
anticipation of Sean leaving was almost worse than when he was actually gone.
It was like when you’re riding a roller coaster and you’re tick-tick-ticking up
that giant hill, just waiting to go over the edge. All of this hasn’t been a
walk in the park for Sean either. Their training has been pretty intense, and
he’s been eating MRE’s for two meals a day.
Let me pause here and decode army lingo for you. MRE =
nasty, preservative laden, prepackaged mush they call breakfast and lunch. MRE’s
are reason number 45 I could never be in the army. So what do I do in response
to such a food atrocity? Go to Wal-Mart and Target about 10 times each to buy
every organic, individually wrapped, doesn’t need heating or refrigerating food
out there. No joke, I have a food pantry in my closet.
Acts of service have always been one of my love languages; I
inherited that one from my mother. When I wig out and go to extremes, like I
have been lately, I ware myself out trying to do everything. I can’t go in Sean’s
place, but in my head it makes me feel a little better thinking that peanut
butter, and tuna packets will make his time a little easier.
I wonder if this is how God feels towards us. God did take
our place, and redeemed us when we were incapable of doing it on our own, but
He doesn’t force us to choose Him. Beyond salvation, it is still a choice
whether or not we invite the Lord into our daily lives. How often is His hand stretched
out ready to help us, and we continue to muddle through on our own?
Sean doesn’t have to take all of the food I bought with him;
he doesn’t have to accept any of my help. He’s been through one deployment
without me, he could do it again, but wouldn’t it be better if he did? More
often than I’d like to admit my rebellious teenager spirit rises up and I want
to do everything myself. I’m a capable, educated woman! Hear me roar!! I can’t
do it all though.
My peanut butter may help Sean to feel loved while he’s
away, but nothing I do can give Sean the peace he needs to get through it all. That’s
the hardest part for me. There isn’t anything I can do about all of
this. All I can do is sit at the feet of Jesus, which is where He’s wanted me
all along. So I’m learning to be more of a Mary and less of a Martha, to cling
to the answer, instead of spinning
my wheels in an effort to make sense of it all. ‘Cause here’s the thing, I don’t
think any of it, life and all of its uncertainties, will ever make sense this
side of heaven. So I’ve got to get over it, and take a chill pill. One of my
favorite verses says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have
peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the
world!” (John 16:333)
He doesn’t guarantee us an easy journey, but peace every
step of the way. I’m thankful for that, for peace that passes all
understanding. Peace that I don’t have to work for or earn.
Lord, thank you for loving me and for giving me your peace.
Thank you for never leaving me or forsaking me, even when I try to do it on my
own. Help me to lean on you, and you alone. Amen.
It's been my experience that immediately following any sort
of kingdom 'high' Satan, the jerk that he is, comes at you full force, trying
to knock you off that high horse. Well, this week has kind of been like that.
I was shocked when I got the kind of response to my first
two posts that I did. Honestly, those were for me. To get off my chest what was
so heavy inside of me. I'm an out-loud thinker/processor. It helps me to talk
through things. In fact, I usually feel like a giant ball of emotion until I
can hash things out with someone. Sean is really good at listening to all my
emotional ramblings. He is always patient with me and talks me through my over
dramatic moments (me? over dramatic..NO! ;-). So, in writing that blog it was a
way for me to get those thoughts out, and let Sean still be involved in the
process. But then all of you wonderful people actually read it! Several girls
told me how one of the posts had helped them, that the Lord had spoken to them
through it. Humbled is an understatement, it was awesome to see the Lord using
my words. It was definitely one of those 'spiritual high' moments, and you know
what follows those.
Satan really is a jerk. I hope you know that. I've thought
about making a T-shirt about it. For no particular reason Tuesday was a hard
day. I don't know if it was coming back to work after a long weekend, or my
sister being gone (she's on her honeymoon..I expect gifts..), or it being one
of the first nights I went to church without Sean, but all day my Eeyore cloud
was out in full force. I didn’t shake it off probably until Wednesday night. I volunteer
with the youth group at my church and it’s such a blessing to me each week. On
my way home I called Sean and got to talk to him for a bit. He explained how he
got to pray with several of the guys in his platoon that are Christians, and
all of the ways he knows he is supposed to be there right now, for such a time
as this.
I've been prophesied over several times in my life, and they
all had a similar chord running through them, that the Lord would bring me
through specific things in my life in order for me to help the women around me,
a call on my life like the call of Esther. I am here, for such a time as this.
In my head I've always thought, "Yea, this is awesome! I'm going to be a
nation changer like Esther, she was a queen! I want to be a queen!" But
Wednesday night when Sean was talking about how he knew he was at the exact
right place at the exact right time; my heart did not leap for joy. Sure, I'm
happy that the Lord is using Sean, but does it have to be so hard?
I think back to Esther. You know, I bet she wasn't super
jazzed about her calling all the time either. The weight of saving a nation was
on her shoulders. She had to risk her life for the lives of her people, not an
easy task, but she did it. She didn't run away, or ignore what was being set
before her. She sought the Lord, and went to work.
That is not easy. It is not easy to stare at your seemingly
impossible situation and say, "Ok Lord, its me and you, let's do
this." But I think that's exactly the heart that the Lord is after; he
needs you to be willing to trust His crazy plan. That he knows better than you
do, and will carry you through it. I've always wanted to be that kind of
person, who can go beside a river, pick up a couple stones and walk off to face
the giant, knowing that God has my back. It’s tough and I'm not sure I've even
begun to look anything like Esther, but I'm willing.
Growing is hard work, and
spiritual growing pains are real, but I know that everything learned in the
spirit will last me for all of eternity. This pain I'm experiencing will be miniscule in comparison to the eternal rewards ahead of me. That's true for you as well. No matter what you're facing, or how much your dreading taking another step forward, your reward will be worth it, for your treasures are in heaven not on this earth.
Lord, take me and use me. Help me to be able to fight for my
people. Make me strong enough to slay the giants in my life, and give me the
grace that I need to be able to trust that you have my back. For you crush
giants and defeat armies, but you are tender and close to the broken hearted.
Thank you for loving me even when I run away from what you've called me to do.
Well, in usual Lauren
fashion I began my blog with no explanation and just jumped right into it!
Sometimes I get a little eager beaver about things. But who doesn't?!
I wanted to take a moment
and explain the purpose behind this blog, at least the short-term purpose: to
chronicle this year for my husband and myself. Let me explain.
Sean and I met in high
school at our church's youth group. He was the boy that every girl had a crush
on. He on the other hand, was too busy being a silly teenage boy to give
any of us crazy girls the time of day. Fast-forward four years, Sean and I end
up reconnecting at church one Christmas break while I was home from college. He
took me to lunch one Wednesday and that was it. We began to date and a year
later he proposed to me. Sean was, and is such an amazing blessing to me. He is
everything I didn't know I needed; he is truly my other half. After Sean
proposed in January of 2012 we set the date for our wedding: September 22,
2012. My older sister was already engaged and getting married May 26th, so in
our abundant kindness decided to wait a massive four months to give my parents
a break.
So there we were, with our
perfect plan trucking right along until one Sunday night Sean comes home from
Drill and tells me that his name is on a list set to deploy in June. After a
lot of snot crying and pouting Sean and I decided to not make any rash
decisions and to wait until his next drill a month later before we decided what
we were going to do. If you're not familiar with the military, things change
constantly. They can have a plan one minuet and the next its completely
different. Since Sean was supremely aware of that fact he wanted to wait to see
if this deployment would truly happen. So I began to pray, and ask everyone I
knew to pray. I pleaded with the Lord to take Sean's name off of the list, or
to cancel the deployment, to do anything! But a month later, I got a call from
Sean that changed everything.
I don't know if you have
ever been disappointed by God, but that's a polite way of explaining how I felt
right after that call. I was so angry. I didn't understand, was God punishing
me for things that I had done? Had I not prayed hard enough? Did God not love
me enough to answer my prayers? The questions and anger came flooding into my
broken heart.
In reaction to the news
that Sean would soon be leaving (we found out April 27th he left May 17th) we
decided to go ahead and get married before he left. Queue the craziest week of
my life. I alerted my wedding planner of what was happening and we got to work.
Finding a venue, emailing e-invites to family, making dinner reservations,
finding a wedding dress - you name it, we did it! This is where God showed up
big time. In the middle of my anger at Him, and all of the chaos He lovingly
orchestrated a beautiful wedding, just for me. I don't think you can plan a
wedding in a week with out the hand of God.
We got married at a
beautiful country club near my house on May 6th 2012. The next morning Sean
took two final exams. I'm not making this stuff up folks; Sean had 5 finals on
Monday and Tuesday after we got married. He pulled it off though making one A
and 4 B's. He's amazing to say the least. The next week was a blur of hotels,
activities, and trying to remember every second of every day we had left. Then
he was gone.
When people say, 'I don't
know how you did it', honestly neither do I. It was God, none of that was me. I
do not have the strength to say good-bye to my husband when all I want is to
hold him. I can't manufacture the kind of peace it takes to help me sleep at
night. It's the Lord. Maybe that's why early American's were so devout, because
they had to be. Life was hard, and nothing gave meaning and peace but God.
That's still true.
I still don't understand
why things turned out like this, or why Sean and I have to walk through it, but
I do know that God is still in control and he loves us. One of my favorite
women's pastors, Christine Cane, said once that God gives you the grace you
need for your story. When I was so broken just a few short weeks
ago, crying out to the Lord he reminded me of that. He also brought the
scripture where Paul is talking about the thorn in his flesh and asking the
Lord to remove it to my mind, specifically the portion where God answers Paul's
prayers, not in the way that Paul probably had hoped, but with the words
"My grace is sufficient for you".
I don't know where you're
at or what you're facing, but I hope you catch that small mountain moving
truth. His grace is sufficient for you.
So don't pity me, or feel
better about your circumstances in comparison to mine. Instead give thanks to
the God of the universe that no matter what your story, His grace is